The operation of the affairs of SACC shall be carried out by the office of

Johan van Rooyen
Registrar and Office Manager
Johan's initial posting in 2000 was that of Assistant Registrar at the SACC Office in Randburg. Johan became Registrar and Office Manager in 2003 following the Governing Council decision to relocate the office to Kensington. He is an integral part of SACC and an essential asset to the membership and management of the organisation.
Johan and his partner established Zion Cattery and successfully bred award winning, quality Burmese Cats from both local and imported lines.
As well as being passionate about SACC, Johan is also involved in South African theatre. He founded and owns PATO Productions (Performing Artists Theatre Organisation) and continues to produce and direct stage productions for the company.
Monday to Friday
09h00 - 13h00
PHONE - 011-616-7017/ 082 549 2931
FAX - 086-616-8294
Communication Updates
The Registration and SACC Offices are open from 9 am - 1pm Monday to Friday.
Note that the Offices will be closed from 7 October to 11 October 2024.
Please could all Breeders ensure that they complete Form SACR D2 when registering a litter/cat and pay particular attention to the highlighted Pedigree options on the form. Please note that there has been a very slight increase in pedigree charges. This will help greatly to ensure that the correct pedigree is generated.
Renewal of Cattery must include proof of payment for Club Membership.
Application for a new cattery must include proof of payment for Club Membership and a signed Code of Good Conduct SACR F2a.
Registration Forms
Stud Registration
Mating Certificate
Domestic Stud Registration
Entirety Certificate
Cattery Registration
Code of Good Conduct
Cattery Renewal Breeder Fee
Registration of one litter/cat
SACC Pedigree Form
Registration of one import
Registration of ASAA cat
Reclassification Colour/Pattern
Registration of Domestic Cat
New Breeder Cattery Suffix
Distinguished Merit Title
Application for Title Certificate
Mutiple Supreme Titles
Merit Club Membership
Fee Structure/ Index Invoice
Procedural Guidelines in regard to Complaints
Nomination of SACC Officers
First Time Registration