The SA Abyssinian and Somali Association (under the auspices of Western Province Cat Club) will be hosting the first SACC show in the Cape on the 19 March. Adri and her team plus the judges will be welcoming exhibitors to the Richwood Community Centre in Richwood.
Many cat breeds will be present - our Cape Breeders and owners are very knowledgeable and passionate about their breeds and love chatting to the public. Shows are generally well attended and you may just see a colour and/or pattern which is new to you- especially in the Medium Hair section!

The theme is "I want to break free" - very apt because due to lockdown and COVID 19 restrictions the Cape has not seen cat show since 2019. Of course mask wearing, social distancing and sanitization of hands will still be compulsory.

Cage decorating is a very enjoyable part of a cat show and the Cape exhibitors certainly know how to do it. This is an Breed Group show run by very enthusiastic Abyssinian and Somali breeders and their "ballerina" cats have to be seen to be truly appreciated.

Special thanks to the named Breeders for the images. Oriental photo courtesy of Ursula vd Riet Photography. All images are the property of the Breeders and/or their photographers.