So we have reached the final stretch and very shortly SACC will crown the Cat of the Year for 2023.
Rand Cat Club and the COTY Team are finalising the details for this prestigious event, which will take place on 29th July. Judging during the day will be done by 6 Judges: Gauteng judges Panel: Ingrid de Wet & Ros Chapman
Cape Judges Panel: Paul Prime
East Coast KZN Judges Panel: Gail Nel, Jane Goble & Ngaio Crawley.
Cat of the Year is the highest scoring cat from the Neuter and Entire Sections.

Kittens and Domestic pets have their own competitions for Kitten of the Year and Pet of the Year.

The excitement is growing for owners and Breeders of the 60 beautiful cats that are representing their provinces this year. Neuter or Entire? The result is in the hands of the 6 Judges!

We wish all qualifiers the best of luck for next Saturday- may the best cat win!
